My Bibi's Baby Blog - My Child Growing Up - A Daddy's Blog

A father's blog on his child's development. Also, please visit - My blog as a budding options trader.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I'm back!

Okay, it's been MONTHS since my last entry. Ugh. I'm terrible. My son is now a toddler! Crazy!

I just wanted to write down a few things that he did today. He has this picture book that teachers kids different colors. I turned the book upside down to see if he can still discern the objects, and he can! I also was able to teach him to bow in two tries! I first bowed and said "bow." Then I said, "bow" and my son bowed!

He gets smarter by the day, it's amazing. I screamed and shook my head earlier today, and then he followed suit directly after me! He also is humming a song that my mom constantly sings to him!

I'll definitely try to keep this updated!


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